Bible Verse Flash Cards

The Best Bible Verse Flash Cards to Master the Word of God

Kingdom Cards are the best Bible Verse Flash Cards for many people. So many cards today are either for kids or are covered in flowers for women. These cards were made to be great for kids, adults, men, and women, as well as all English-speaking ethnicities.

What Are Kingdom Cards?

Psalm 103:19 says, “The Lord has established his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom rules over all.” Ultimately, there is one Kingdom, and Jesus rules over it. However, within that Kingdom is the Kingdom of Darkness and the Kingdom of Light, and when you believe in Jesus, you are transferred to the Kingdom of Light. Ultimately, though, there is only one Kingdom.

Kingdom Cards remind believers in Jesus that he reigns over everything, including their lives. One of the consistent themes in the Bible is that people forget their God and all that he has done. The Israelites forgot that God rescued them from Egypt and spared them. Today, Christians forget what Jesus did on the cross and the new life that we have in him. We live as if God does not exist when we forget this truth.

How Do Kingdom Cards Help You to Master the Word of God?

Kingdom Cards break down God’s word into the 100 most important verses. Four categories of verses are key verses defending the faith, assurance, and awe of God. Each category is meant to give you a picture of who God is and what he has done so that you can master God’s word.

Where to Buy Kingdom Cards?

Kingdom Cards can be found on Amazon

Kingdom Cards

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